Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day Ride to Jamestown

Meet at 9 am at Amante on in N. Boulder.  Mellow ride with (hopefully) coffee in Jamestown!
Le Poeme:           
Snapshot Poetry:
Cozy Toes Corn

Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Day Ride 9 a.m.

Meet at Amante Coffee on N.Broadway at 9 a.m. to ride up to Jamestown.  Low key social ride.  Email for more details, or call 303-868-0530

Regular Tuesday rides starting from my house

I plan to ride every Tuesday night, weather permitting, leaving my house at 6 p.m.   I am happy to ride the Poorman loop, Marshall-Cherryvale-Eldorado Springs loop, Neva Loop, or just about anything else.  So, just show up if you want to join me by 6 p.m!  I live at 1935 Grove Street in central Boulder.  I think most of you have been here, but if not, just mapquest it.  We can at least start together and if you want to power on off, that's cool, too.  (If for some reason, I cannot go a particular night, I will try to send out an email the night before.)  303-868-0530